Open Educational Resources

Are you struggling to implement Open Educational Resources? Thousands of free, interactive OERs are available online, but many struggle to locate, select, and implement these valuable instructional materials. I have developed a free checklist that might help to guide your OER adoption!


General Repositories for Open Educational Resources
& Interactive Learning Objects

Merlot Repository

40,000+ interactive learning objects in arts, business, education, humanities, math, science, technology, social sciences.
*Tip: When searching: use + or – instead of AND, OR, and NOT.

OER Commons Repository

55,000+ games, interactive learning objects (ILOs), simulations in arts, business, humanities, science, technology, and social sciences.
*Tip: When searching: use + or – instead of AND, OR, and NOT.

PBS LearningMedia

Access thousands of free, innovative, standards-aligned and curriculum-targeted digital resources. PBS LearningMedia provides PreK-12 & 13+ educators with access to free digital content and professional development opportunities designed to improve teacher effectiveness and student achievement.

The Orange Grove Repository

Browse Higher Education Resources for educational resources that can be used, remixed, and shared. A diverse collection is available for searching with a wide range of resources.


PurposeGames is a game repository offering over 70,000 public games allowing students to play and learn about various topics including anatomy, history, geography, science, astronomy, language, and more.

Open Courses through other Institutions

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): Includes video, transcripts, problem sets, examples, and more.  Could be very useful for Economics, Health, Math, History, Management, Marketing Management, Accounting, Law, English courses (Writing, Womens’ Literature), and Operations Management. Offers a “Cite This Course” button to give appropriate citation text.

Yale: Includes video lectures – though some are long. Offers transcripts, audio-only options, and lower bandwidth versions.  Some departments not applicable. Could use for Ecology, Economics, History, Psychology. CC Attribution License – must cite.

Medical & Science Specific Interactive Learning Objects

Anatomy 3D – Anatronica [Free] App for Android

3D educational guide allowing for navigation and exploration of the human body including skeletal and muscular systems.

Anatomy Arcade

Interactive games such as Poke-a-Muscle, Whack-a-Bone, Match-a-Brain, and more.

Kids’ Astronomy Guide for Beginners

This site offers access to a variety of astronomy basics including related vocabulary and concepts, star gazing and star etiquette guides, and access to a variety of supplemental sites offering hands-on activities to excite even the youngest or newest astronomy lover.

Free Anatomy Quiz

Over 160 free multiple choice quizzes for Anatomy and Physiology. Quizzes available on topics such as general anatomy, skeletal system, muscular system, organs, senses, and the various physiology systems of the body such as the circulatory system, the nervous system, and more.

Space Elevators and Astronomy

Space Elevators and Astronomy by Andy Darnley offers a variety of space and astronomy interactive resources including informational resources, games, and more! (A big thank you to a K12 Science Club for recommending this resource.)

Astronomy in Media

Astronomy in Media unveils how space exploration has impacted the media, showcases famous astronauts and astronomers, and breaks down some of the best movies and TV shows.

Backyard Astronomy Basics

Home Science by HomeAdvisor provides links to sources offering information about the solar system, the universe, constellations, how telescopes work, and also links to games, projects, and much more.

Constellations for Kids

DK believes in the power of discovery. Use this resource to discover and learn about various constellations. Head outdoors and enjoy nature’s picturesque night sky in a whole new way!

Philips Learning Connection Online Learning Center

Over 90 medical games to test student knowledge on various medical topics such as renal anatomy, vascular imaging, anatomy and physiology, pathology, cardiology, medical terminology, x-ray, ultrasound, MRI, and more.

Real Bodywork Games and Apps

Interactive games, muscle reference guides, and visually appealing infographic posters on various anatomy concepts including various body systems. Try the anatomy games including Muscle-Matching, Skeleton-Matching, and Organ-Matching.

Science Interactive Body

Interactive games allowing students to choose a gender and then place parts on the correct areas of the body.  Game categories include organs, muscles, bones, and the nervous system. Allows students to examine what each of these body parts and system parts do for the body.

University of Minnesota Web Anatomy

Interactive self-quizzes on topics including bones, histology, cardiovascular system, digestive system, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, endocrine system, and more.

Visual Anatomy [Free] App for Android

Study on the go! Interactive reference guide and educational tool with audio pronunciation. Fully rotational organ 3D overview model also available containing all body anatomy systems and 500 feature points students can interactively select.